Friday, May 26, 2023

Make Money Online as an Article Writer


Is it hard to find job in the Philippines in this day and age? This can be surprising to some but it may have truth to it. For some Filipinos, it may be hard to find a job the supply of workers is greater than the available jobs.

Luckiliy, Filipinos are loves technology. And one way on how to make money through technology is by becoming an article writer. Would you believe that you can get paid for writing content. You can publish your writings on your own blogsite or by joining the Partner Program on Medium. Aside from Medium, there are other sites that will pay you if you publish your work on their sites.

However, the fastest way to get paid big by becoming an online article writer is by applying as one. There are plenty of online job portals that Filipinos can use to find an article writing job at the comfort of their own home. They don’t have to go overseas and earn dollars or euros through the internet.

Earning money on the internet is possible with online job portals such as,, and These websites allow job seekers to search for jobs based on their skills and experience. Simply look and apply for article writing jobs.

But wait, it’s not that simple, otherwise, there would be a lot of rich Filipino writers because everyone would be earning money from the internet. It is important to consider that there are other online job seekers going for the same job. It might be difficult to stand out to be noticed from a wave of applicants.

Here’s a great tip though when applying for an article writing job online, CREATE a STRONG resume and cover letter that highlights your skills and experience as a an article writer. Provide samples and make sure that they are your best work. It is also recommended to build or network with people in social media. You may never know if their employers would be in need of an extra article writer.

Anyway, that’s just about it. If you’re interested in making money on the internet as an article writer, there are several things you can do to increase your chances of success. Good luck!

Be sure to check out Hubpages. It is a website that pays and never missed a single payment: Another Payment from Hubpages


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