Sunday, August 30, 2020

Ultimate Globe Cheap Prepaid Promos Tips

HURRY as these cheap Globe prepaid promos may not be available for long! This post explains and discusses amazingly cheap Globe prepaid promos that is suitable for online classes (students) and WFH (Work From Home) setup of online freelancers and workers. Nowadays, Globe offers numerous prepaid promos so be sure to select the best one that fits your needs and budget.

Globe prepaid promos are now super cheap that my current favorite one (GO50 for students) appears to be only 7pesos per 1GB. This cheap Globe internet promo can only be availed via GCash and its inclusions are below:

  • 5GB for anything (browsing, streaming, app updates, online games, Netflix, etc…)
  • 1GB GoSURF Free WiFi
  • 1GB for Learn and Work (Google Suite, Coursehero, Zoom, WhatsApp, Spotify, Telegram, Wikipedia)
  • Unlimited texts to ALL networks
  • 1 GCash Voucher
  • Free 3 months online class at Shaw Academy (courses include Graphic Design, Digital Marketing, Photography, etc…)

In fact, Globe’s GO50 for Students prepaid promo may actually be cheaper than 7 pesos per 1GB. However, the computed value is only from dividing 7GB from the 50 pesos. The unlimited texts was not included in the formula simply because I am more interested and only using its data offer.

The promo’s duration is good for three days. Basically, this means that the promo will expire on the third day and any unused allocation will be forfeited. Do not worry though as this promo is stackable. Some readers may not know this, but Globe’s prepaid bulk MB data offers (GO and GoSURF) are usually stackable (KUDOS for this one Globe!)

To put is simply, stackable means that any existing or unused MB of the last promo will be carried over to the expiration of the new / re-enrolled promo so that nothing is wasted.

Again, subscribing to another GO50 for Students promo will automatically rollover the unused allocation. However, for readers planning in using a different promo, be sure that it is another bulk MB offer to ensure that the allocation will stack to the expiry of the new promo.

As mentioned, this particular Globe promo is a great choice for online classes (students) and for WFH (work from home) workers or online freelancers.

As we all know, online classes need video (Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc…) which requires considerable amount of data. GO50’s 5GB open access allocation and that extra 1GB for Learn and Work is perfect for students. And if you’re lucky enough to live on those areas that has GoSURF WiFi, then you get to maximize that extra 1GB GoSURF Free WiFi.

Based on actual experience of two students enrolled in online school, approximately 3GB is consumed. One is only up to lunch time while the other is up to 4pm – and both are using Google Meet (Google Suite). Because of this, one does not have to worry about unused allocation as it would surely be consumed before the third day.

And on the rare chance that there are some left, then simply subscribe again to GO50 for Students as it will be used for the remainder of the week. Naturally, give the students a break after a tiring work week and let them use the remaining allocation since, this Globe prepaid promo’s allocation it can be used for anything (browsing, streaming, research, etc…)

Of course, the same logic applies to WFH setup and online freelancers because the promo’s allocation is open access – again, it can be used for just about anything.

Big files can be a part of online studies and WFH workers / freelancers if they needed to download something (things to do, tasks, etc…) or upload items (submission of output and / or assignments). When this happens, it might not be a good idea to use the allocation of GO50 for Students.

This is the reason why PPU is a good tandem for Globe’s prepaid bulk promo. PPU will not be discussed here due to it being extensively discussed on another post: Globe No Capping Unli Internet

However, for context, PPU stands for Pay Per Use. It is not actually a promo but a setting wherein users will be charged 15 pesos for 15 minutes if this setting is turned off. The purpose of turning ON this Pay Per Use setting is to protect the subscriber’s load from being deducted when they accidentally activated their mobile data.

It would be wise to use PPU for downloading or submitting big files to avoid unnecessary usage of the allocation of GO50 for Students. The technique is to:

  1. Collect all the links and big files that needed to be downloaded or uploaded. This is to ensure that everything will be done in 15 minutes
  2. Use another Globe SIM card with only 10 pesos load. This is to make sure uninterrupted / no capping internet for the next 30 minutes
  3. On the other sim card with only 10 pesos load: turn off SurfAlert (to use the PPU setting), activate mobile data, then start with the download and uploads. Doing this step will give the user unlimited internet use for the next 30 minutes. If Globe’s internet speed is fast in your location, then those big files that needed to be downloaded or uploaded can be done in a jiffy.
  4. Once the download and uploads are finished and the 30 minutes is not yet over, then its internet all you want for the remainder of the time allotted.


This is another cheap promo that I am eyeing on. Based on its description, it has the following inclusions:

  • 6GB open access. Internet for Everything
  • 28GB (4GB Daily) for Learn, Collaboration, and Productivity apps
  • 7 days
  • Available only for Globe At Home mobtels

Although this Globe promo doesn’t have that much inclusion as GO50 for Students, it does have plenty of allocation for Learn, Collaboration, and Productivity. I am assuming that these ones will also include services for students’ online classes as well as tools for WFH workers and online workers.

Haven’t tried this one out yet due to my ongoing subscription of GO50 for Students. But will definitely try this one out after it expires since its total volume of 34GB for only 199 pesos is approximately 5+pesos per 1GB. Now that’s CHEAP!!!

Be sure to come back for more updates. For the meantime, feel free to check out the following informational posts.


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